Photos on CVs

Is It Worth the Risk?
Photos on CVs

As any senior recruiter would, I’ve seen thousands of CVs—some great, some…well, let’s say, memorable. One question people often ask me when discussing their CVs is: “Should I include my picture in my CV?” The topic isn’t new, but it seems like candidates are still unsure about the answer. So, should you go for it or leave the photo out?

Pros of Including a Picture

A picture adds a personal touch to your CV, helping you stand out and making your application feel more human. It can also be useful for recruiters and hiring managers, making it easier to remember who’s who during the hiring process. Matching faces to names can help keep candidates top-of-mind, which can be particularly helpful when reviewing multiple applications.

Cons of Including a Picture

Including a photo can introduce unconscious bias. Recruiters and hiring managers may make judgments based on your appearance—age, gender, ethnicity, or other factors—before even reviewing your qualifications. This is one of the main reasons why photos are avoided in CVs in certain countries, like the UK and US. In these regions, companies prefer to focus solely on your skills and experience, aiming to minimize bias. Adding a picture can be seen as unprofessional and, therefore not recommended.

Types of Photos That Don’t Belong on Your CV

Should you decide to include your photo in your CV, there are certain types of pictures you should avoid. Here are some common examples that certainly won’t help you as a candidate to get the job you’re applying for:

I’m Sexy and I Know It

You’re sexy, you know it, but honestly, we’d rather not. If you love your picture in a miniskirt or with a deep neckline (or both), save it for a dating app. Your CV is not the right place for it.

Cigarettes and Alcohol

I’m sure you look great with a glass of red wine in hand, but are you sure that letting everyone know you enjoy wine is the first impression you want to make?

Old Pictures

Are you 50, but the only picture you have is from high school? Just don’t use it. Take a recent photo, or don’t include any photo at all.

Your Wife, Husband, or Anyone Else with You in the Picture

We understand you love your partner, but we want to know who you are, not play a guessing game to figure out who’s applying.


Yes, you can use a selfie if it looks professional. But no bathroom mirror shots or elevator selfies, please.

So, What’s the Verdict?

In conclusion, it all depends on where you’re applying. In the Czech Republic and across Europe, a professional photo is often welcomed. But if you’re applying for a job in the UK or US, it’s best to leave it out and let your experience speak for itself. And one more thing—if you do use a photo, don’t forget to smile! 🙂

Author: Monika Norocká

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